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عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, 2020

How to Recover hack gmail account with or without Number and Recovery Gmail

 How to Recover hack gmail account with or without Number and Recovery Gmail You can recover your hack gmail account by these methods: 1. Recover by Recovery Email If you someone hacked your gmail and you were unable to log in into your gmail then you can recover your gmail by using recovery email,If you have kept any recovery email while creating your gmail,At gmail search box type your email and press next then it asks for your password to enter at below password box you can find forget password option click on it, Now it shows some options to recover email ,select recovery email and it asks you to send an verification code to your email to reset your password,enter the verification code that received by your recovery email and change your password and make two step verification to more secure your gmail. 2. By using Phone Number You can recover your gmail by using your phone number,At gmail search box type your email and press next then it asks for your password to enter at belo...

Fix Dell Latitude WiFi not Working | A Helpful illustrated Guide

You can Fix Dell Latitude Laptop WiFi not Working by these : If your Dell Latitude were facing wifi not Working problem then you were in the correct place to solve your WiFi not Working problem 100%,These are the most accurate ways to fix your problem 1. Command prompt IP Reset Open start and type CMD and you have to right click on command prompt and run it as administrator and click on yes and now prompt window opens  1. Now in prompt window type "netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog .txt" and enter 2. Now command "netsh winsock reset"and press enter 3. Now type "ipconfig/flushdns"and enter 4. Type Exit and press enter  Now restart your laptop and  your problem Dell Latitude Laptop WiFi not Working problem will be fixed 2. Changing Adapter Properties Open start and type Control panel now follow these steps 1. Open control panel 2. Now open Network and Internet 3. Click on network and sharing center 4. Click on change Adapter settings 5. Now right click on your ...

How to Fix Realme 6 Heating Problem | A Helpful Guide

 You can Fix 6 Realme 6 Heating Problem by: Many of the Realme 6 mobile users Facing heavy heating problem while they using these are the ways to fix your problem 1. Force stop Background Running Apps Realme 6 mobile causes Over Heating due to background runnings apps,many of us usually makes this common mistakes some of us will open app and after usage they will open and use another app,Due to this these background apps will run on background if you were didn't closed those apps properly,You can Forcestop all apps simply by going to settings>Apps>select every app and Forcestop all apps this will fix your heating problem,Some apps will asks permissions after installing like power,storage and many more and start running background which causes over heating by force stopping these will act like not present in mobile,you can also use any app fro playstore which within one tap you can Forcestop all apps. 2. Free Atleast 30% Storage Free If the storage of your Realme 6 is used up ...

Types of Visual Arts and Examples| Complete Details

 Types of Visual Arts 1. DRAWING DRAWINGS CAN BE FINISHED WORKS OF ART, or preparatory studies tor paintings and other visual arts. They can be made using a wide variety of drawing instruments such as pencils, graphite sticks, chalks, charcoal,pens and inks, and silver wires. The most common drawing instrument 1s the graphite pencil. A graphite pencil is consists of a thin round shaped graphite mixed with clay, encased in wood. Charcoal is one of the oldest drawing instruments. It is produced by firing twigs of willow, vine, or other woods at high temperatures in airt1ght containers. Erasers are used to rub out marks made by drawing pencs such as graphite pencils or charcoal, or to achieve a particular effect such as smudging. Fixative is applied- using a mouth diffuser/aerosol spray fixative to prevent smudging once a drawing is completed. Silver lines can be produced by drawing silver wire across specially prepared paper a technique kmown as silverp0int. The lines are permanent a...

Things you need to Know Before Buying PlayStation 5(PS5) | A Helpful illustrated Guide

 Things you need to know Before Buying PlayStation 5 (PS5) 1. Play station 5 comes with an two versions Standard Edition and Disc less Digital Edition 2. PlayStation 5 will be cost in $499.99 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition will be at $399.99 3. Games like spiderman Morales,Astro's PlayRoom,Demons Soul,SackBoy A big adventure,Destruction All stars have been announced for PS5 4. New PS+ collection a new feature added for PS5 it gives plus membership for all big games 5. It comes with an type C charge port with an rechargable battery 6. You can watch extraordinary 4K blue rays on games  7. It comes with an Central processing unit with Graphics x86-64-AMD RyzenT Zen 2" with present 8  Cores/16 Threads for greater visual effects 8. GPU consists of Variable frequency Speed up to 3.5 GHz Clock Speed and supports Higher resolution of gaming  9. For Greater visual experience AMD Radeon T RDNA comes with  2-based graphics engine 10. System memory 16GB with Graphics Dou...

5 Best Home Theater System in India Under 20,000 | A Helpful illustrated Guide

5 Best Home Theater system in India under 20,000 Here is an complete helpful guide to buy an perfect Home Theater at your price range,we will sort out you the best Home Theater for you and you don't have to waste your time by searching all over To buy an Home theatre you have look at these features before buying they were  Connectivity options Check what connectivity options were present before buying your home theater like HDMI,headphone Jack,Digital optical or digital coaxial cable,3.35 mm RCA Speaker Layout Speakers shape either it's sound bar or adjustable in shelfs of tv or make them stand on ground choose according to your requirement Wired or wireless speakers ? You have to check either your home theater comes with wired or wireless connection support along with Bluetooth,NFC or WiFi for controlling Dolby Atmos? Dolby atoms gives an great sound effect you can experience real things so once check does your home theater comes with Dolby atoms or not Sub woofers These are c...

What does op mean in YouTube, PUBG, Gaming,Live Scream,Chats

 OP means Over Powered,It is an common word mostly used by game players,Now let we know different situations how we use op  1. What does op mean in PUBG  In PUBG Op means Over Powered common word used when an pro player shows his skills and killed a squad at a time with equipped high damaging gun then called him op,in generally op means Over Powered in PUBG. Some times this word also used by player when he killed by nood while he killing another skilled player he used this word op that Noob has Over Powered with gun without skill There are also many words used in PUBG not only OP like GG means good play when your team member killed two or more players or any pro player then your team members used this word good game for appreciating him GG also used when your teammates revive you and killed your enemies when they knock out you and your teammate helped you  2. What does op mean in YouTube,Live Stream In YouTube while the players gaming they used this word op  mea...

How to get Onyx Cloud serpent,Heavenly,Thundering,Reins,Wow heavenly,wow thundering,wow reins

How to get Onyx Cloud serpent To get Onyx could serpent first you must have exalted with an shadow pan and then you have to be reserved with golden lotus now you need to exalted with Order of cloud serpent to ride it,Now go to the map SHADOW PAN  GARISSION,in pandaria townlong stepped now Accept mogu instructions,now move to quest and kill the dudes after completing quest you get rewards Reins of the onyx cloud for surprising attack collect them,now move on to next quest and defeat mogu invasion and move to shadow pan garission and now we simply hand then and now mount is ours,now collect the rewards Reins of onyx cloud and complete quest,now go to bag pack and collect  How to get Heavenly onyx cloud serpent To get Heavenly onyx cloud serpent you have to kill Sha of Anger,the portal to pandaria is found in portal room inORGRIMMER and STORMWIND this will end up you in giants forest once you there you should fly to west of KUN-LAI SUMMIT Sha of Anger Spawns every 15 minutes and ...

how to fix error android.process.acore has stopped working| A Helpful Guide to solve

 You can Fix error android.process.acore has stopped working by: 1. Delete Phone Cached data You can solve unfortunately the process android.process.acore stopped problem by simply going to settings then internal storage there you can find phone storage now go to phone storage and in phone storage at bottom you see phone storage cahched data press on it and now clear caged data now restart your device and your problem fixed  2. Clear all apps data If first method doesn't work then try this go to settings there you can find Apps open the setting apps now it shows all apps that were installed on your device now try to open every app and at bottom you can see clear cache and data now clear them,do this for all apps installed on your device and restart your mobile now it will fix your  android.process.acore has stopped working 3.  Hard Restart Try to Hard restart your device  to fix this issue you can hard restart your mobile easily by pressing and holding both powe...

How to Fix Jio 4G Slow Internet Network problem to get High Speed Internet| A Helpful Guide

  You can Fix Jio 4G Slow Internet Network problem to get High Speed Internet by: 1. Change APN Settings to get high speed Internet To change APN settings of your Jio go to settings then select dual sim and networks there you can see at bottom "Access Point Name" Now at the right top side you can see + symbol press on it now you have to create an new APN follow all my steps to get high speed 4g internet speed  In APN settings set Name to Speed Bot v3X ,now set APN to JioInternet leave the both proxy and port and set Username to speedbot3X and now leave the password and Fill server as www.Google.com after entering server name keep MMSC,MMS Proxy,MMS Port as empty and don't change MCC Value as it is and MNC value as it is,Now on Authentication Type select  PAP Setting in APN Type save default.supl and ApN Protocol/APN Roaming Protocol to IPV4/IPV6, in Bearer type of it is checked in Unspecified box then now Unselect unspecified and select all except unspecified and save the...

How to Fix Airtel 4G Slow Internet Network problem to get High Speed Internet| A Helpful Guide

 You can Fix Airtel 4G Slow Internet Network problem to get High Speed Internet by: 1. Change APN Settings For high speed To change APN settings of your airtel go to settings then select dual sim and networks there you can see at bottom "Access Point Name" Now at the right top side you can see + symbol press on it now you have to create an new APN follow all my steps to get high speed 4g internet speed  In APN settings set Name to Thunder 5G X89 ,now set APN to 5Ganet leave the both proxy and port and set Username to Speed.Boost and now leave the password and Fill server as www.Google.com after entering server name keep MMSC,MMS Proxy,MMS Port as empty and enter MCC Value 405 and MNC value 873,Now on Authentication Type select  PAP Setting in APN Type save default.supl and ApN Protocol/APN Roaming Protocol to IPV4/IPV6, in Bearer type of it is checked in Unspecified box then now Unselect unspecified and select all except unspecified and save these settings for high Airtel...

What are the Foods that Increase Internal Body heat and Temperature,Effects and Benefits

These are the list of Foods Increase Internal Body heat and Temperature: 1. Mangoes  Mangoes are acidic in nature they have PH value 8-9 and by eating excessive of mangoes which cause irritation in your stomach by acidic nature of mangoes,you will also face problems like pimples irritation in stomach,face boils and also form aicidity in stomach Also there are also more benifits of eating daily one mango can give us frighten against cancer, diabetes,lose weight, cholesterol...etc,But exceed eating mangoes more than two on a day may leads to Increase in body temperature and heat . 2. Apple's Like mangoes Apple's are also one of the main fruits which causes irritation in stomach and produce body temperature with high, someone will also feel irritation in their mouth after eating raw apple and cause allergens to kill allergens heat should be required so body increases its temperature as a function of against allergens There are many benefits present on eating Apple daily as apple i...

How to Fix PS4 Over Heating,Shutdown problem,A Complete Helpful illustrated Guide

 You can Fix Your PS4 Over Heating,Shutdown Problem by these simple steps: 1. Delete the game of your Hard drive and reinstall Your PS4 heated up when you are playing an particular game that just reading the wrong way of the hard drive, improper installation or corrupted data which cause reason for more energy usage to run and thid may leads to over heating issue and sometimes it's shutdown automatically To fix this you have to delete the game of your hard drive which you face this problem and reinstall fresh,this makes proper installation of game in your  hardware and fix your problem  To delete get to the PlayStation home screen,Now get on the game that giving you overheating issue and press on options and delete the game it asks you to fully delete the game then press ok to delete it ,After reinstalling it's fix proper installation and mainly it fix your PS4 Overheating problem and Shutdown problem 2. Clean your PS4 regularly If you are having an older unit of PS4 ...

How to Fix Dell Latitude Laptop Keyboard not Working Properly,A Complete Helpful illustrated Guide.

 You can fix Dell Latitude Laptop Keyboard not Working Properly,Some Keys Problems : 1. Update Keyboard Driver This is the major cause for your laptop keyboard not Working Properly,to fix this go to start menu then from displayed options click on device manager,then It will takes you to new window where you can see all options like audio inputs, Bluetooth, camera.....etc now find keyboards option that shows your keyboard software below now right clicking click on it,it shows some options like Driver update,Device uninstall,Scan for Hardware change select driver update,make sure you have good speed internet connection to your laptop now it shows search automatically from online>click on it,It takes some time to update driver automatically after it finished it's update now restart your laptop  If after searching for updates if it shows you already installed latest drivers then now on clicking driver udate now sele "Browse my computer for software driver" now choose let m...