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How To Recover PlayStation Network Account With No Email/Password|PS4/PS5

How To Recover PlayStation Network Account With No Email/Password|PS4/PS5

In this article you are going to show you how to recover your Playstation network account on the PS4. PS 5 with no email and no password

1. Generally if you're on your console and you notice that you've been signed out of the PlayStation Network all you need to do is simply go to the sign-in menu and from there you'll be able to sign in and your email should be generated in the sign-in ID

2. Now there are going to be a few scenarios where it actually won't generate let's say you've sold your PS4 and you bought a PS5 and you forgot The email address on the PS4 in that scenario Ofcourse, it's not going to generate because you haven't added it to your new system on the PS5

3. So from here if you don't remember the password or the email that case we're going to have to go to the web browser but if you do have the email generated on there all you need to Simply do is press the triangle button for forget your password and from there you'll be able to work through it and be able to recover your password that way

4. As I already mentioned if you don't know your email or your password you're going to have to go to PlayStation Network support Port 

5. Now search for that on Google and just go to the first option Sony PlayStation support and this is going to bring us to their screen where we're going to get a bunch of different queries first reports you can either search it in the search toolbar

6. There's a bunch of different options on there as well accountant security and just a bunch of different things for different queries so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be going to Account And Security because we're trying to recover our account and you're going to see a bunch of different options there

7. You can just ignore these if you don't remember your you can also use this as well now we don't know our email either so from here we're going to go about your account and we're going to go to about side and issues because of course we don't know any of them

8. So you're going to see a bunch of different options there these are all arrival relevant because we don't know our email address so we're going to be going to Play Station online assistant and from there we're going to be with the PlayStation support bot 

9. I find the customer service is very good for PlayStation you're going to have someone start talking with you and from there you'll actually be able to tell them what's going on,what happened,How you lost your email and your password so in order for the PlayStation online assistant to actually help you

10. You do need to know your PlayStation network name for example on my account, its fever XB I do know that so I am actually able to go through the steps and processes to recover my account all of my games

11. If you don't know your email and if you don't know your password and if you don't know your PlayStation network name then I don't believe they will be able to help you. But in every other scenario sure most of you already know what your PlayStation network name so you should be good to recover 


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