How To Use Power Bank For WiFi Router/Mod As Ups Or Power Backup
Hello everyone welcome to Everydaytechvams I'm going to show you how to use your power bank as ups or power backup for WiFi Router/Modem in East way
Can I Use Power Bank For WiFi Router/Modem To Power Up?
Absolutely yes,You can use your power bank as power back up or UPS with the help of usb power booster cable.
A Step By Step Helpful Guide To Use Power Bank For WiFi Router/Modem As Ups Or Power Backup
1.First thing you need is a power booster cable With these cables you can connect your power bank to router thus when power cut or out of electricity you can use your power bank to supply power to your router
2. Before buying these you have to check the input power ratings of your WiFi Router the power ratings are typically mentioned in the label behind your WiFi, WiFi/ADSL Router and note down them
3. Now go to the online store or website where you can get these cables like Amazon and search for power back up cables for WiFi router from power bank or boost cable and find the right one on according to your router power ratings and get it
This is the best available USB power booster cables in the market and they support for every router
4. Read and follow all the instructions carefully given in the label or manual of the cables you bought and set up and then you are good to go
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