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Showing posts from June, 2020

10 Best Stress Free Games Android: Actually Works Great

10 Best Stress Free Games Android: 1. Breathe Stress Relief meditation It gives you the best experience and time to take relax and refresh your mode it has different modes like training time for breath ,relax,meditation,self healing and many more with amazing sounds  2. Antistress Relaxation Toys Antistress Relaxation Toys it have many different toys which you can smash them and get relax,it may includes chopping fruits,vegetables collapsing builders blocks and many more trust me it actually works great and gives you relax  3. Energy Anti Stress Loops This app present many loops we have to connect each loop to another while connecting it gives you an sound using headphones gives you an great experience it have 100 of different levels you can easily enjoy  these kinds of games  4. Smash the School Its the game on something new you never think it based on concept of destroying the all school objects on frustration it gives you the best experience with...

Best Food Vlogging Tips: Make Money With Coocking Videos

Here is the List of Best Food Vlogging Tips 1. Use best Camera or Best Camera designed Mobiles to shoot Use the best quality camera or high end camera mobile to Record your videos in most clear the high quality images gives an clear indepth detailed of object it makes your audience attract than the low quality videos  2. Buy Suitable Tripod Stand to Merge with your kitchen  Use an selective tripo stand best suitable to your kitchen it should be rotatable upto 360 degrees and can be increased its three stands heights adjustable separately individual stand  height 3. Apply Different Camera Lenses/Filters to Look more Colourful I'm order to make your recording object like vegetables,fruits etc more attractive use different lenses that available in market Even you can have many filters if you were using mobile to vlog 4. Be Unique and Provide Tasty recipes Don't copy others way of Vlogging be unique and create your own style for making videos, copying others...

14 Agriculture Hand tools in India must Have for Modern Farming

These are the 14 must need hand tools in India for Agriculture 1. EARTH AUGER Earth Auger is the simple machine helps a farmer to drill holes in the field more easily without hardwork and these holes were used to planting big banana,coconut like trees  they can dig up to 8 feet much enough to planting. You will get the best Earth auger from amazon 2. KNAPSACK SPRAYER There are many different knapSack Sprayers present in market they are used to spray pesticides/fungicides which protect plants from insects and many different types of bacteria ana virus and pesticides/fungicides depends upon the planted trees with the work of mortar and easy handles piston we can spray easily with no hardwork,best knapsack sprayer here from amazon 3. PRUNING CUTTER Pruning cutter is an scissor shaped big equipment used to cut an normal sized branches easily with their sharp edges they are used to cut trees above the parent bud it is the most common used tool for planting fl...

Android Hidden Features Must try | Secrets and Hacks

hidden features to try on your Android for  1.  Stabilize your old android videos in New Mobile You   can stabilize your old videos recored on old Android in your new Android Phone to do this you have to back up all your old videos on Google photos app in your new mobile then select video that you need stabilization then follow these shown in images Stabilization may takes some time depends upon the size of video mb,After Stabilization you can see there is no shake in background video  2. Make YouTube video Pop Up and do other works while watching You can make youtube video pop up while playing and then do other works at same time while watching,to do this you have to install any vpn from Playstore and connect to United States server now play any video in YouTube and try to come back and use any other work by pressing home button now you can see youtube video playing in an pop up window 3. Know if your Facebook account hacked To know you Face...